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A Complete Garden Service in E1, Mile End

Gardeners Mile End gardeners deliver a complete service for property owners in the E1 area. From lawn maintenance to patio cleaning, from hedge cutting to tree surgery, our experienced team of professionals can take care of all your gardening needs. To make a booking or for more information about our services, call us today on . We promise that every job we carry out is completed to the highest possible standard and conducted with health and safety at the forefront of our minds. We are proud of the fantastic reputation we have built by delivering outstanding results for each and every one of our customers. Contact us now to bring your outdoor space back to life!

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Contact us

Company name: Gardeners Mile End
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 07:00-00:00
Street address: 200 Bruce Rd
Postal code: E3 3EU
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Latitude: 51.5251410 Longitude: -0.0170310
E-mail: [email protected]
Description: Only by hiring our professional gardeners in Mile End, E1 you can achieve the gardening perfection you’ve ever dreamed of!
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